The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival: With Allison Toffan


Live on CIUT 89.5 FM

Airing Date: August 15, 2024
Host/ Producer: Nicole Inica Hamilton

Assistant Production Manager: Amber Downie-Back


Featured Guest(s): Allison Toffan

The third edition of the Toronto International Tap Dance Festival runs this season from August 15-18, 2024.  Produced by Toffan Rhythm Projects with support from Harbourfront Centre, the four day event will host shows, workshops, panel discussions, and nightly jams. On this event spotlight, Allison Toffan (Artistic Director of Toffan Rhythm Projects) visits Turn Out Radio to discuss the Festival run.

About Allison Toffan:

Allison Toffan is a producer, curator, dancer and choreographer and the Artistic Director of the Toronto International Tap Dance Festival. She was thrilled to bring the vision of TITDF to fruition in June of 2017. The inaugural festival marked the official launch of Toffan Rhythm Projects – bridging the goals, mandates, and facilitation of her professional body of work rooted in collaboration, creation, curation, and community development.


About The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival:

The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival presents leading artists in the global scene, nurtures the development of Canadian excellence in tap, and aims to be a focal platform for professional bodies of tap dance repertory. The Festival connects and explores multiple perspectives of culture, background, generation, and aesthetic.