Transmitting the Gospel of Rhythm Tap: With Suzanne Bruneau


Live on CIUT 89.5 FM

Airing Date: August 16, 2024
Host/ Producer: Nicole Inica Hamilton

Assistant Production Manager: Amber Downie-Back


Featured Guest(s): Suzanne Bruneau

On this episode, Culture Bearer Suzanne Bruneau reflects on powerful memories with her mother, the legendary Ethel Bruneau, love, and transmitting the Gospel of Rhythm Tap.

The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival (TITDF), produced by Toffan Rhythm Projects with support from Harbourfront Centre runs from August 15-18, 2024. During the festival, Montreal’s Rhythm Tap Queen Ethel Bruneau, will be honored. Suzanne Bruneau and Majiza Philip (Grandaughter of Ethel Bruneau) will be sharing in studio, in discussion, and on stage during the event. Register at

About Suzanne Bruneau:

Suzanne Bruneau is the eldest daughter of Ethel Bruneau.  At the age 62, she  put on her tap teacher shoes for the first time in 40 years at the encouragement of her daughter Majiza  Philip (Tap teacher) to spread the gospel of Rhythm tap according to Ethel. It is in her creative essence that she channels Ethel Mae, Miss Swings legacy to young, old, and exceptional with a desire to tap dance.


About The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival:

The Toronto International Tap Dance Festival presents leading artists in the global scene, nurtures the development of Canadian excellence in tap, and aims to be a focal platform for professional bodies of tap dance repertory. The Festival connects and explores multiple perspectives of culture, background, generation, and aesthetic.